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Intervention For Eating Disorders


Compulsive Overeating

Compulsive Overeaters are often caught in the vicious cycle of binging and depression. They often use food as a coping mechanism to deal with their feelings. Binge eating temporarily relieves the stress of these feelings but is unfortunately followed by feelings of guilt, shame, disgust and depression. Binge eating, like Bulimia, often occurs in secret. It is not uncommon for Compulsive Overeaters to eat normally or restrictive in front of others and then make up for eating less by binging in secret. In other Compulsive Overeaters, binges consist of “grazing” on food all day long. Like the other eating disorders, Compulsive Overeaters are often struggling and unhappy with their weight. It is not uncommon for a number on the scale to determine how they feel about themselves. The complications can also be severe and even life-threatening for Compulsive Overeaters.


Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimics are caught in the devastating and addictive binge-purge cycle. The Bulimic eats compulsively and then purges through self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives, diuretics, diet pills, ipecac, strict diets, fasts, choking, vigorous exercise, or other compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain. Binges usually consist of the consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time. Binge eating usually occurs in secret. Bulimics and Anorexics, are also obsessively involved with their body shape and image. The medical complications of the binge-purge cycle can be severely damaging. Anorexia can be fatal.


Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia is a disorder where the main characteristic is the restricting of food and refusal to maintain a minimal normal body weight. Possible weight gain or even perceived gain of weight is met with intense fear by the Anorexics. Not only is there a true feeling of fear, but also once informed of the disorder, Anorexics experience body image distortions. These distortions of the body usually representing maturing in sexuality include the buttocks, hips, thighs, and breast and are visualized by the Anorexics as huge. For some Anorexics, weight loss is so severe there is a loss of their menstrual cycle. Anorexics participate in restrictive eating, compulsive exercise, and laxative and diuretic abuse. If Anorexia is left untreated, it can be fatal.



Individuals suffering from an eating disorder may be unaware that it is a disease or may have difficulty asking for help. Below are some of the “signs” to help determine if you or a loved one could be at risk. If three or more of the following symptoms apply to you or a loved one please contact us. You or your loved one may be at risk of having an eating disorder.

  • Thoughts about “feeling fat”

  • Fear of gaining weight

  • Feeling of loss of control when eating

  • Weight determines self-esteem

  • Body image obsession

  • Guilt or shame after eating

  • Repeated attempts at dieting

  • Eating large amounts of food in a short period of time

  • Self-consciousness or embarrassment about eating

  • Sneaking food

  • Lying about eating habits

  • Strict dieting

  • Fasting

  • Restrictive eating

  • Self-induced vomiting

  • Laxative abuse

  • Diuretic abuse

  • Use of diet pills

  • Use of Ipecac

  • Compulsive exercise

  • Eating to relieve stress or depression

  • Eating when not hungry

  • Eating sensibly in front of others and them making up when alone

  • Depression

  • Low body weight

  • Menstrual irregularities

  • Gastrointestinal complaints

  • Embarrassment about body weight


If three or more of the above symptoms apply to you or a loved one…

Please Contact Us!

You or your loved one may be at risk of having an eating disorder!

Medical Complications  I  What You Can ( and Can’t ) Do
Things You Shouldn’t Say


Related Disorders

Eating disorders are major health problems which severely affect individuals in the major areas of their lives including: physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological. Although the cause of eating disorders is generally unknown, they are considered to be conditions which are primarily progressive and fatal.

Psychological and physical disorders both intensify and frequently accompany eating disorders.


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