Training & Education
Professional training courses provided
Click on a title for more information
Helping Families Cope With the Disease of Addiction Through Intervention
Clinical Intervention Helping the Client Who Does Not Wish to Be Helped
Open Recovery/Families Helping Families
Families Helping Families is a (family) support and education program offered free to the public and interested professionals.
Family Helping Families
Community Education for those struggling with Addiction, Co-dependency, and Mental Health issues
Do Have a loved- one or friend struggling with Addiction, eating -disorder or mental health issues?
You are welcome to join us at our "Families Helping Families" meetings on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm (do not worry if you're late or must leave early).
We provide education & share experience on how to best care for yourself and help your loved- one.
There is no charge and you can join the meeting via phone or computer. You have the choice to be seen via video or not and participation in the discussion is your choice.
You can join us via Zoom link at-
Should you have questions feel free to email me at:
The first half of the meeting will be an educational presentation on the aspects of addiction and mental health issues and the impact upon families. Following the presentation the meeting will open for discussion and questions.
The program is on-going and open ended thus allowing an individual to attend at anytime and for as long as one may desire. Some participants have attended for over 10 years!