Guide and Workbook: Introduction and How To
Relapse/Recovery Court is a highly effective process that guides substance dependent individuals toward an understanding and acceptance of their specific relapse issues and/or barriers to recovery. This subsequently empowers the individual to become solution oriented and proactive in his/her treatment and recovery process.
The Relapse/Recovery Court (RRC) structure utilizes relapse education from a variety of prominent researchers and is compatible with motivational approaches, cognitive behavioral models, reality therapy and twelve-step philosophy.
It is a group process delivered through a mock court with the primary client in the role of defendant and his/her peers fulfilling the roles of defense attorney, prosecution, and jury. It is a useful tool providing all of the participants with the opportunity to gain insight into their own particular relapse triggers/issues and long-term recovery needs.
What it does -
A process designed to personalize and raise client awareness of the relapse process and associated relapse issues.
Explores and assists the client in the identifying of the symptoms leading to relapse.
Assists client with internalization of required changes to support ongoing/long-term recovery.
Explores the strengths and weaknesses of client’s developed prevention plan while using an approach that is familiar to the client.
Designed to help establish a functional relapse prevention plan for the client supported by practical, daily application.
Allows participating clients (i.e. prosecutor, defense, and jury) to recognize their own relapse dangers and to identify and personalize their individual requirements for long-term recovery.
Provides the clinical team with a useful tool for identifying client specific relapse issues and reinforcement of required changes utilizing both clinical assessment and peer input.
Useful Tools -
An included 35 question pre-screening tool is administered to all relapse/recovery court participants prior to their participation. This questionnaire provides an opportunity for educational discussion and dispels myths regarding addiction, recovery and relapse. In addition a 20 Question General Relapse Quiz, a modified version of Gorski and Daley’s contributions of the study of relapse is included.
An additional tool included in the workbook to assist clients with identification and personalization of their specific relapse symptoms and dynamics is the Relapse Symptoms Check List consisting of 46 general symptoms of possible relapse areas that may be pertinent to the individual.
The Relapse/Recovery Court Rating System consist of detailed explanation and instruction for utilizing the rating scale to assess the client’s relapse prevention plan. A rating Check list is provided to assist the RRC participants with the rating process . This evaluative tool helps the participant to complete a focused, accurate and fair rating of the defendant’s relapse prevention plan. It also hold each participant accountable for the content and quality of his/her rating.
How To Use The RRC Guide And Workbook
This guide and workbook have been designed for both the clinician and client. The Clinician’s section, pages i through 26, are perforated so that clinicians may remove them for their file for convenient reference. The clinician section provides answer sheets and instruction on utilizing the RRC process therefore it should be removed from the book prior to passing it on to a client.
The Client’s section, pages 27 through 113, consists of instructions for all court participants and a workbook designed to assist the defendant with preparation of his relapse prevention plan to present in court.
It is recommended that clinicians attend a minimum of a six hour training prior to utilizing this workbook and the Relapse/Recovery Court process with clients.